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After a wonderful two weeks away on holidays, I’m back! so i apologise now for the many emails you may get from Flight Circle as I work through the accounts. 😬 A big thank you to Quentin, Naomi, Trev  and our Instructor team for keeping up with the admin and day to day running of the club.

Advanced Flight Theory had a private function for their students while I was away and with the help of Naomi, John McQueen and Instructor Andrew this was made possible.


A big  thank you again to our Volunteers who man the bar and help out with food on a Friday, and at various functions throughout the year. Without them the bar would not be open. Simple as that. However we cant rely on the same volunteers each week, . So Im doing a call out!!!


The aim is to get a 6 week roster going for the Social Friday so members would only have 1 shift every 6 weeks.  

We have some amazing events over the coming months planned but we need help to continue running with these and we need support in attendance.

To ensure we can continue to provide a great evening to all on Friday nights, we need volunteers for the bar and bbq every week! Please commit some time to building your Club by clicking on the button below.

If you have troubles with the link Call me! I will add you on.



Jordee Fracchia achieved her Passenger Endorsement last week and her first passenger was her Dad, Luke! Congratulations Jordee on your achievement and Congratulations Luke on a proud Dad moment! 

Peter Markey passed his RPC Flight Test this week. Congratulations Pete, Its been fantastic watching your progress. Pete is keen to keep on moving and obtain his passenger and Navigation Endorsement.

Rumor has it Sawyer Blanchette went Solo whilst i was away.Well Done Sawyer!. Another of our keen, younger students , I will catch up with you for a photo and certificate when you are next in.!


Line marking is taking place on the new parking bays, hopefully the dust will settle soon and construction traffic will complete. 


The Slings are getting a wash with each 100 hourly at Burgess Aircraft Maintenance. But in between, every pilot and student pilot must ensure the windows are cleaned and the leading edges are wiped down.

It is essential the correct product are used for these tasks.

If you are unsure ask your instructor!


Quentin, Trev and Naomi have been building plans to further develop our social Friday. The first Friday of every month will include a special food offering. 

Friday the 6th October will have the world famous PAELLA FELLA!  (AKA “Josh” )here at the Aero Club with his  Authentic Spanish Paella !


Click on the link below.

Friday the 6th October will be The Paella Fella, $20 a head for the Meat Lovers Paella – a hearty combination of Chicken, Chorizo Sausage and Pork.

RSVP for numbers.


$5.00 Burgers this Friday

This Friday Jag the Joker is at $700! There will be $5 burgers on offer.

If you can volunteer your time at the BBQ, it would be appreciated!


Air Tractor – XAT putting out the Beerwah Fires this week, taken by Jett from the Sea Eagles.