After a wonderful two weeks away on holidays, I’m back! so i apologise now for the many emails you may get from Flight Circle as I work through the accounts. 😬 A big thank you to Quentin, Naomi, Trev and our Instructor team for keeping up with the admin and day to day running of the club.
Advanced Flight Theory had a private function for their students while I was away and with the help of Naomi, John McQueen and Instructor Andrew this was made possible.
A big thank you again to our Volunteers who man the bar and help out with food on a Friday, and at various functions throughout the year. Without them the bar would not be open. Simple as that. However we cant rely on the same volunteers each week, . So Im doing a call out!!!
The aim is to get a 6 week roster going for the Social Friday so members would only have 1 shift every 6 weeks.
We have some amazing events over the coming months planned but we need help to continue running with these and we need support in attendance.
To ensure we can continue to provide a great evening to all on Friday nights, we need volunteers for the bar and bbq every week! Please commit some time to building your Club by clicking on the button below.
If you have troubles with the link Call me! I will add you on.