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Sunshine Coast Aero Club News


The live ATC is playing up a little , our I.T people are on to it! Lets blame it on the Wedgetail that’s been flying around this week!

Congratulations Kevin Vipiana.

First Solo This Week. Kev has had his good days, some shockers! (his words) and some magnificent days!. Wednesday morning was a ripper!.

Good on you Kev, looking forward to your further progression.

Remember Fathers Day “ICE CREAM SUNDAY” is on this Sunday from 2-5pm

Chicken Sticks available again at  this  weeks Social Friday

from 4.30 – 7.30pm

unless SOLD OUT!.

Can you believe Jag the Joker is at



Dress up in that  ABBA outfit hiding in your wardrobe or Bring out the Bling!

Bar open from 4.30 to 7.30pm

A big thank you to Isaac last week who did an amazing job behind the bar, it was quite busy with our Hot Dog event and airport staff visitors.

Thank you again to Naomi for organising.