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Weekly Presidents Update

Club News you can use… Weekly updates

Firstly a sincere thank you to all members and friends who have supported the Club and families of Adam and Rory over the past two weeks. Your kind words and support have been greatly appreciated by us all.

We are also now back up and running after our 3 day Covid lockdown. We have availability this coming week if you need your flying fix.!
Remember we operate mostly 7 days a week now except for the odd occasion so we should be able to book you in at your request.

Congratulations to Craig Byron, Nicholas Wong, and  Ben Perrett for passing Air Law exams recently. Craig also passed his Radio exam this week.Ben Perrett has also just passed his BAK exam in time for a newsletter mention! Well done guys!
 Many students are now getting closer to going solo or obtaining there RPC. Watch this space!!!👀

Recently we welcomed Griffith University Aviation Students to the club for a day of Hands-on Action Flights. Well done to CFI John for his action-packed day of flying!✈ It was great to see the students enjoying the club facilities and enjoying a BBQ in the beautiful weather we arranged! 

Teresa and Naomi from ATC will be around for a catch-up this afternoon from 4 pm if anyone would like to join them in the bar.  All are welcome.

Enjoy your weekend.
Warren Schulz
SCAC President.




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